Database are arranged alphabetically
Databases subscribed by JKRC
AIRONLINE, All India Reporter: Indian Legal database
- Bloomsbury Drama Online:It combines exclusively available playtext content and scholarly publications with filmed live performances, film adaptations, and audio plays.
Business Source Complete (EBSCO): provides the collection of bibliographic and full text content. Indexes and abstracts for the scholarly business journals from 1886 are included
CLA Online: Online Library on Corporate/ SEBI and Business Law Since 1950.
Communication & Mass Media complete: Provides the most robust, quality research solution in areas related to communication and mass media.
- CMIE: Economic outlook
- Economic and Political weekly
EPWRF India Time Series:is a online database of Indian economy and it comprises over 25,000 variables capsuled in 14 module
- GeoScienceWorld: comprehensive Internet resource for research and communications in the geosciences built on a core database aggregation of peer-reviewed journals.
J-STOR (2585 Journals)
Journal Citation Reports
LISA :Library and Information Science Abstract.
Manupatra: Online legal and database(India)
Nature core(1 Journals)
Nature: Jayakar Library subscribes Nature Physics, Nature Materials, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Photonics, Nature Reviews Microbiology, Nature plant
SciFinder : SciFinder is a research discovery tool that allows you to explore the CAS databases containing literature from many scientific disciplines'. Please click this Link of Registration, to Access SciFinder
Scopus: is abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings.
E -Books
- Catalogue of subscribed E-books and video talks
- American chemical society: Library subscribes symposium series from 2011-2014.
- Cambridge University Press ( E Books): Jayakar Library has purchased 613 e books in different subject from CUP. These books are accessible online List of e books 1
CRCnetBASE:(Taylor & Francis) Jayakar library has subscribed 156 titles from this database on subject like Environmental Science, Chemistry Physics ,Materials Science etc (List of Book with URL).
- Library subscribes 27 books of mathematics from this collection on perpetual access.
- Elgaronline:Library subscribes 25 E-Books from this database. List
EBSCO e-book Collection: Library has subscribed 721 e book from this collection in various subject categories List of e books
Health and Biological Collection: This collection contains over 1745 full text journals from from well known publishers like Nature, Springer, CUP. It also contains 5254 e-books.
Morgan & claypool: Library subscribes 100 books of life sciences from this database.
Proquest Literature Online :It combines the texts of over 355,000 literary works in English with a vast library of key criticism and reference resources.
Oxford Handbooks Online: is the scholarly research reviews, and collection of the best handbooks in 14 subject areas. Presently Jayakar library subscribes 45 titles from philosophy.
Oxford reference Library: Provides access to 2 million digitized entries across Oxford’s dictionaries, companions and encyclopedias. Presently Jayakar library subscribes 8 other reference books List
Oxford scholarship online:offers full-text access to scholarly works from key disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, science, medicine, and law. Presently Jayakar library has subscribed 540 titles from this collection. List
Proquest Ebrary: Library subscribes 244 books on subjects like Mathematics, Library science, Botany, Microbiology, Zoology.
Proquests House of Commons Parliamentary Papers: House of Commons parliamentary papers includes over 200,000 papers from 1688 to the present
Sage Research Methods Online : It contains content from more than 640 books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and handbooks, the entire Little Green Book, and Little Blue Book series, etc.
Sciencedirect: Library provides access to 205 books on environmental science and life sciences from this databaseList of e books
- subscribes 54 titles from this database List
World ebook Library :The World ebook Library is the largest aggregator of eBooks.
National Digital Library (NDL): is a pilot project to develop a framework of virtual repository of learning resources with a single-window search facility. It includes Educational materials ranging from primary to post-graguate level -
e-PG Pathashala: National Mission on Education through ICT and UGC initiative: A curriculum-based, interactive content in different subjects across all disciplines is being developed under this initiative.
CEC digital media library: It is central repository of all educatioanal video programmes produced by EMRC centres.
NPTEL:provides E-learning through online web and video courses in Engineering, Science and Humanities streams.
Swayam:This is a programme initiated by Government of India. The objective of this effort is to take the best teaching learning resources to all. This platform provides all the courses, taught in classrooms from 9th class till post-graduation and it is accessed by anyone, anywhere at any time.
DOAJ: Free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals, covering all subjects and many languages.
- PLOS: Public Library of Science is a nonprofit open access scientific publishing project aimed at creating a library of open-access journals of medicine etc. field.
OALIB is Open Access Library. More than 263,388 free accessible academic papers are available presently.
Search engines
Google Scholar :Provides a search of scholarly literature
OAPEN Library contains freely accessible academic books, mainly in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Internet Archive: is a non-profit digital library offering free universal access to books, movies & music, as well as archived web pages. In this digital library two million free texts now available
Project Gutenberg offers over 42,000 free ebooks: choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online.
TOC: provides access to tables of contents of over 11,155 scholarly journals